Jet Lag Tips and Tricks +

Mission: Beat jet lag ASAP and conquer the day!

Definition of Jet Lag (Merriam-Webster): a condition that is characterized by various psychological and physiological effects (such as fatigue and irritability), occurs following long flight through several time zones, and probably results from disruption of circadian rhythms in the human body.


Let’s get down to business and defeat jet lag: For years I have been trying to figure out the best way to crush jet lag and I can finally say I have it down. Being jet lagged can ruin travel experiences so hopefully I can provide some value by sharing tips on overcoming jet lag. I can now confidently say that between quick 24-hour layovers for work and longer vacations for pleasure I have now made jet lag my biotch!

1)    Caffeine: The day of travel I don’t drink any caffeine to try and prep my body for the flight. Likewise, on my 24-hour layover trips I limit or eliminate all caffeine. There is a long-lasting effect in caffeine that will make sleep more difficult when you finally need some shut eye. When traveling I love going to coffee shops so I’ll drink a turmeric latté, tea, or decaf coffee.


2)    Home time: I want to pull my hair out on the crew bus when coworkers say “Oh, it’s 2am at home.” Don’t fall down this rabbit hole! It messes with you! Once you’re in a new time zone that is the ONLY time zone you should concern yourself with.


3)    Limit Alcohol: I know you’re thinking “boooo, this is an opportunity for me to guzzle free wine and beer.” Wherever you’re going I guarantee they have a better wine selection than “white or red.” You can hold off for a few more hours. When you are at a high altitude and you drink a lot of alcohol, the alcohol’s effects become stronger and dehydrates the body faster. Once again, it’s all about precious SLEEP and alcohol will only mess with your sleep and then add to jet lag. If you are going to drink wine on the plane (let’s get real I know you are) then try only drinking one beverage. 


4)    Resist Sleep: I have discovered that you can push your body to disgusting limits when it comes to sleep. When you’re on the plane resist sleeping at the wrong times in the new time zone you are trying to adjust to. If you’re travelling to New York and its noon EST, DO NOT SLEEP! It’s going to be tough and seem virtually impossible, but you can do it! Use a device; phone, iPad, computer. The artificial light from these devices will help keep you awake.

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5)    BYO! I always come prepared when flying (especially on lengthy flights). I bring a sleep mask, ear plugs, socks, chap stick, water, snacks, and a hydrating facial spray. I use each of these items on every flight. You won’t regret being over prepared with all of the items that will make you more comfortable and be able to sleep better on the plane.


6)    You can never drink enough water! A rule of thumb is that every time a flight attendant offers you a beverage you should drink a glass of water. And for every alcoholic beverage you should to drink three cups of water. Flying is DEHYDRATING and one way to feel less jet lagged is hydration! I drink 2 liters of water on an eight-hour flight. While you’ll have to go to the bathroom a few times it’s completely worth not feeling like a jet lagged raisin when you land.


7)    Pills: I’ve tried almost all jet lag remedy pills. They’re mostly comprised of caffeine and don’t work for me. One tablet that I tried and really liked is called “1 Above Fly Well, Arrive Ready.” It doesn’t have any caffeine, it only contains vitamins. These tablets always make me feel significantly less groggy. Another suggestion is to pack melatonin just in case you royally mess things up with your sleep schedule. Before I knew of melatonin I would wake up consistently at 4am and go to the bathroom and then be up for 3 hours in the middle of the night. Then I would work the flight back home exhausted. If you need melatonin to stay asleep so you can enjoy your vacation; go for it!


8)    Shower: Usually when I land I haven’t had the luxury of sleeping on the plane because I’ve worked the flight, so I’ll take a two-hour nap when I arrive, but I do not suggest this. It’s near impossible to pry myself out of bed. After unpacking I jump into the shower to try and wake myself up, clean the airplane germs off, and relax. I take a warm shower and then at the end I blast some cold water to try and wake myself up even more.


9)    Sunlight: This is the tip that always helps me the most. Walking around and adjusting my body to the new surroundings helps significantly. Our bodies associate sunshine with daytime and this helps fight off sleepy feelings. On rainy cloudy days I tend to feel groggy longer. Another alternative to sunshine is going to the gym and sweating it out. Don’t work out in your hotel room. I learned this the hard way. While doing crunches on the floor, I was tempted to roll over and sleep.


10) MAN or WOMAN UP! After your first day, it’s very important to stay up until the appropriate time. If you start dozing off at 7pm, you are SCREWED! You will wake up at 4am wide awake and the pattern will continue for the next 3-4 days. You will be exhausted! You need to dig deep and get through this tough period! Navy Seals are asked to stay up for 3 days during their training. You can get through one day. I try not to go back to my hotel room until 8pm so that way I won’t fall asleep any earlier than 9pm.